Clearmark Solutions Ltd. powering fleet, empowering employees with EV charging

Founded in 2001, Clearmark Solutions Ltd. is the UK’s leading supplier of digital coding solutions. Located in Nottingham, the company’s mission is to disrupt the market with innovative coding and labelling products designed to provide customers with clear long-term benefits and the lowest possible cost of ownership. Recently, the company chose ChargePoint electric vehicle (EV) charging solutions to power the company’s new electric fleet and to provide a workplace amenity for its 75 employees. We spoke with the company’s Buildings, Facilities and Fleet Manager, Cat Binder, to find out how everything is working out so far.
What was going on in your business that prompted you to add EV charging stations at Clearmark?
We are committed to reducing our CO2 emissions and are in the process of changing the company fleet cars from diesel and petrol to electric and hybrid cars. We wanted to provide workplace charging. We also wanted to be able to provide visitors with an easy and convenient way to charge their vehicles. We understand that happy and empowered employees naturally deliver high levels of customer service, root for the company and help it grow.
What were the most important criteria for evaluating different charging vendors?
We looked how easy they are to use, how they monitor data, how they look visually and the ability to control charging options such as time, user, price and other details. We also wanted good value for the money.
“We understand that happy and empowered people naturally deliver high levels of customer service, they root for the company and help it grow.”
Cat Binder
Buildings, Facilities and Fleet Manager, Clearmark Solutions
Why did you ultimately decide to go with ChargePoint?
ChargePoint is a premium offering compared to other vendors and gives us great value because of the richness of functionality such as the monitoring and measuring capabilities. ChargePoint also has a good reputation for reliability and the points look good visually. We’re providing charging for free for now, but we might have to charge eventually, so we also like the flexibility of the software. That was a big factor. We saw the value in the software.
Can you talk a bit about the implementation? How many ChargePoint solutions do you have? Were there any organizational or infrastructure challenges you had to overcome?
We installed three pedestal-mounted ChargePoint CP4000 socketed stations in March 2020. The process was quite straightforward. We had to get the electric supply set up and prepare the car-parking bays, but it was on time and the ChargePoint team was really good and easy to work with. They provided good support throughout and answered lots of questions — even after the sale.
“We like the flexibility of the software. That was a big factor. We saw the value in the software.”
Cat Binder
Buildings, Facilities and Fleet Manager, Clearmark Solutions
How are you using the stations? What aspects do you rely on the most?
We are using the chargepoints for employees who drive company vehicles at the moment. We’ve not really used them much as it’s a small number of users charging daily. Three members of staff come in daily and use them. We also get field service engineers and sales using them periodically when they visit the office. As people start to come back to the office more and we offer them to employees without company vehicles or visitors, we will utilise them further.
Do you measure employee satisfaction and engagement? Did ChargePoint impact this?
Employees see ChargePoint as a perk and are appreciative that it’s provided.
What would you say are the top three benefits of using ChargePoint solutions?
The top benefits are the environmental impact we’re making, being able to offer them as an employee perk and the fact that we’re future-proofing for wider usage and adoption of electric vehicles.
Do you have future plans for putting more stations in the ground?
Yes. We plan to install one more at an additional building down the road. Longer term, we are likely to install more as the fleet grows.
Do you want to know more about how smart charging solutions can bring value to your organisation? Drop us a note and we’ll help you find the right solution for your business.