How do I change my payment option?

Last updated: 8/8/2023

ChargePoint offers drivers in the United States the option to pay after each charge or carry an account balance and use auto-reload. It’s easy to update your preference in the ChargePoint app.

Here’s how to change your payment type:

  1. Open the ChargePoint app.
  2. Open the main menu and select Account.
  3. Choose Payment.
  4. Tap Payment Type and select Pay as you go or Auto reload.
  5. Your account will start using the new payment type on the first of the following month after you make the change (so on 1st of June if you changed in May or 1st of August if you changed in July). If you switch from auto-reload to pay-as-you-go, any balance you have on your account will be used before you start to pay your fee after each charge. Your balance does not expire.

With auto-reload, the first time you use a public station with a fee, we’ll load your account with $10. When your account goes below £5, we’ll reload your balance based on recent activity.

With pay-as-you-go, each time you charge at a station with a fee, your payment info on file will be billed.

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