Charging Forward Report 2024

Charging Forward 2024 E-book cover

Electric vehicles (EVs) have recently been the subject of many headlines. You might have read that demand is down or that charging is challenging to find. You may be surprised to discover that much of what you’ve heard isn’t true. In fact, more EVs were sold in the U.S. in December 2023 than any other month in history! In our latest Charging Forward Report 2024, we take on the misinformation head-on — and share more data than ever before.

Despite complex sales trends, e-mobility is alive and well … and accelerating. Since 2007,  ChargePoint has empowered our customers to connect with EV drivers where and when they want to charge with reliable, flexible and future-ready charging solutions. And you can count on us to ensure you’re armed with the facts to help you on your e-mobility journey.

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