Orange & Rockland Utility New York customers may be eligible for incentives when installing Level 2 and/or Direct Current (DC) fast charging equipment for light-duty vehicles. These incenti...
Northwestern REC members with a residential service account may receive a rebate of $150 for installing a Level 2 EV charger. Members may be selected for installation verification by Northweste...
Nobles Cooperative Electric offers its members incentives for making the switch to an electric vehicle. Customers may receive up to $500 per Level 2 EV charger installed for commercial, fleet, ...
NYSEG's Make-Ready Program allows customers to take advantage of over $103M Available in Rebates from NYSEG and RGE for Make-Ready costs (electrical infrastructure) for L2 and DCFC charging pro...
Mississippi Power is offering up to $2,000 through their Commercial EV Charger Rebates to business customers who purchase or lease a Level 2 Charging station at their location. Also, rebates ar...
Mason County's PUD 3 offers a rebate to customers who have purchased/installed qualifying level 2 wall or pedestal-mount EV charging equipment. Incentives range from $500 to $1000 per charger, ...
Manitowoc Public Utilities (MPU) is dedicated to providing cost-saving opportunities to customers related to energy efficiency. Each customer may claim up to two rebates per year in the amount ...
Lansing's Board of Water & Light is supporting commercial customers installing Level 2 EV charging stations by providing a rebate of up to $4,500 per station. Customers are limited to 3 sta...
Indiana Michigan Power: Charge Up MI, Michigan is offering an incentive program is for Level 2 workplace (employee), company fleet and MUD PEV charging for Michigan-registered PEVs acquired af...
Holland Board of Public Works (HBPW) offers commercial and fleet customers a rebate for installing EV charging stations. The rebate for a level 2 charger is 50% of the cost of the charger up to...